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943 The Litter is Born 2014-07-16

Photo from Goldenway Kennel

We lost our good boy Jake in May ('14). Jake was a big part of our lives and we still miss him daily. Those feelings will remain, but we are happy to announce that our new puppy has been born!

Goldenway Kennel in Mount Juliet, TN announced that their dogs Blue and Liberty gave birth to 7 puppies on July 01. There were six males and one female. One of the males will be our new puppy.

Currently, we are in Colorado. We have traveled to Rocky Mountain National Park, west to central Colorado, north to the Tetons, and then back to Rocky Mountain National Park. We have been to some amazing places, but daily we discuss the new puppy.

Viewing the above photograph, we agree - they litter is not much to look at. They are basically little blind, indistinct beings. We also received a video of the boys - they were just rooting around seemingly to call out for their mom. They need help to do everything. What a bunch!

We know that we would be happy with any of the pups, but we are looking for the one that wants to be with us. He will need to be athletic to run, walk, swim, hike, and climb. He will need to be patient to wait on us when we are unable to be with him. He will need to be loving to care for us when we need him. He will need to like his backyard - it will be his castle. He will have to love to play and we promise to give him many lessons. And he will need to get used to being called Jake, even though that probably will not be his name, I am sure that he will be called that often especially when he is a good boy.

The new puppy will have some big shoes to fill if he is going to be as good of a dog as Jake, but we are ready to help him with the challenge.

You can believe there will be more on the puppy soon!

Happy Birthday Puppy trails


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