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019 Exercise 1, 2, 3 2008-12-15

running near Ojai

A study was released today basically saying more active people are not as obese as less active ones. Specifically the study pointed to transportation to and from work - the people who did not ride in a car were more fit than those who did drive to work.

I hope these findings didn’t come as a shock to you. If they did I will really surprise you when I tell you a few more of my speculations. Now these are not confirmed, just my guesses:

Folks who go to the Y to work out regularly, are more fit than those who do nothing.

Swimmers who swim regularly, are more fit than those who do nothing.

Bicyclist who bike regularly, are more fit than those who do nothing.

Walkers who walk regularly, are more fit than those who do nothing.

Runners who run regularly, are more fit than those who do nothing.

Do you see the correlation? Like I said the study was not a surprise. It actually makes a lot of sense.

The more active we are the fitter we are. There are lots of excuses not to exercise regularly, but if we make a commitment to exercise while commuting to work, then it becomes part of our everyday life. Weather is bad from time to time, but stores like REI sells great equipment to lessen those problems.

So basically if we exercise each day burning 500 calories, we burn one pound worth of calories in a week. In order to lose weight we would have to find our basic metabolic rate, then find our caloric intake, and then make changes to our diet to show a zero growth. All exercise added onto the formula is weight loss! Regardless of our obsession of losses we would be fitter and on the road to better health by exercising regularly. Walking or biking to work make good time management exercise programs.

Let’s make a New Year’s resolution to walk more and drive less and be more fit.

Happy fitter trails.


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