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Scree - December 16, 2010

hairpin curve on Five-Eight


Great News. On cloudhiking, we just posted the complete guide to the Percy Warner - Five-Eight Route. If you have never walked, run, or bicycled the roadway, then you should make plans for this urban adventure. We hope you enjoy the guide and the adventure.

We have made a few time consuming changes to the cloudhiking site. The major improvements were in site navigation. Our good friend Jon had given us a couple of suggestions that we agreed would help folks find their way around the site. A few more tricks are in the works...

Also, there has been an increase in people viewing the site! It has doubled in the last couple of weeks! That is so exciting to us. We appreciate you for reading and sharing. Thanks.

Annoying Quiz

A Marist poll gave the results of the most annoying words in the English language. So let's take a quiz...

1) The word ranked number 2 in the poll is used to show similarity. I always picture some Valley Girl using the word. And the word is ...

2) The word ranked number 1 is used to show indifference in a demeaning manner. And the word is ...

So if you did not want to play along with the quiz, whatever - I guess you like, have better things to do.

(Yahoo - Reuters)